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Golf Practice Schedule

Spring Golf Practice 2023 Schedule

My Schedule below: 

Monday - 3:00-4:30 at Alpine Golf Course
Tuesday -  3:00-4:30   at Alpine Target Center        
Wednesday-  3:00-4:30   at Alpine Golf Course        
Thursday -  3:00-4:30   at Alpine Golf Course

Things to remember: 
1. You need to choose at least two practices to attend each week.  
2. Always sign in at the pro shop at the driving range or golf course.  
3. Remember you can hit up to 5 buckets of balls a month at Alpine Target Center and golf at Alpine Golf Course on weekdays as much as you want.                                                                                                                                    4. Remember to study the USGA Rules of Golf. There is a free app you can download to your phone or tablet.